Hobby lobby clearance finds!

Our living room is always a work in progress, and I just got very lucky at Hobby Lobby today.  I have been on the lookout for a large round mirror for a particular wall, but all the ones that I have found that are large enough have been really pricey.

The one I found today is square, very organic looking, but it also had strange red squares all over it.  I wasn’t crazy about the cowboy look, but it was a good size and very heavy.  At an original $129.99, but 90% 0ff, I spent a misery $13.00 on this soon-to-be beauty.

Oliver snuck in!

The other amazing find was this decorative bike wheel, an original $90 that I scored for$9.  I’ve been eyeing him for a while, and I couldn’t believe I was lucky enough to snag one at this price!

I love 3D wall art!

I used some leftover enamel paint to paint the mirror, as well as a very large picture frame that I acquired a long time ago.  I used it to frame some dry erase contact paper that I also found on sale at HB, only $2.29 for the roll.  I then rehung our much-used magnetic dartboard, finally giving us a place to write our scores.

With all three black objects, I created a whole new fun look for this once blank wall.