2 hour free dining room makeover!

So, I’ve been basically absent from the blogoshpere for the entire last week.  Firstly, our internet has been down, so that makes it impossible to post anything.  Secondly, my friend Jessica got married yesterday, and as the maid of honor, my last few days have  been completely dominated by wedding preparations.

Just to give you an idea of the week I’ve had, check out these amazing shots of the wedding crew!



The bride’s dress was a DIY dream.  It was her mom’s dress, but her aunt was able to modernize it by removing the lace sleeves and changing the shape a bit.  So gorgeous!

Today I finally had a day to myself.  After sleeping 14 hours yesterday to catch up on lost energy, I finally had the where-with-all today to start up some projects.   I have been frustrated with the darkness in the dining room, and I think I was able to revise it enough to bring some light to this wonderful room… (I never thought that I would have a home with a real dining room!)



See how dark it is?  The paint is so bright, and the sun is at its most visible through the front windows, yet it feels heavy and depressing in here.

First, I traded out the purple curtains for the bright white ones in the office.  We pretty much only use the office at night, so it won’t matter that the curtains up there are dark; in fact, it will be nice for watching movies.  By contrast, the windows in the dining room affect us all the time, as we are constantly walking through that room.

I also added in 4 extra lightbulbs by rewiring my granni’s old chandelier to plug into a regular wall socket; it replaced the single bulb and drum shade that was previously lighting the room.


I also bothered to set the table with light colors, while still drawing in the fall theme by including a dried bouquet of gathered branches and evergreen boughs.


I also brought in the sideboard that usually sits behind the couch, which balances the room arrangement.  Check out how much lighter, brighter, and happier everything is!